Get Involved
Interested in getting involved?
If you’re interested in being involved in one of the ministry teams, please fill out THIS FORM and we will connect you with the ministry team leader.
Our Mission Statement: To see lost people become reproducing followers of Christ. Moss Brook Partners share our mission and work with us to provide mutual care and service to our community. Click here to see what PARTNERSHIP Includes.
Serve Your Community
We believe that God has placed Moss Brook Church here in the Oxford Hills to be His hands and feet to this community. We want to use our resources and abilities to meet people’s needs in a way that honors God and benefits them. If you know of a need in our community that our church family may be able to help with, please contact our deacons at or call 207-890-9803. If you have skills or abilities that you would like to put to use in service to our community, please let us know so we can connect you with opportunities as they arise.
Small Groups
At Moss Brook, we believe that life change is the best indicator of the reality of a person’s relationship with God. We also believe that small groups are the best environment in which to cultivate that growth. To this end, we state without hesitation that Moss Brook is a church of small groups. It is in these groups of 3 to 12 people that we pray and study God’s Word. In groups, we build relationships which provide the comfort, encouragement and friendship that we all need to live life as God intends. The New Testament is filled with “one anothers,” and it is in groups that we love, serve, challenge, laugh with, cry with and pray for one another. We also encourage the formation of Life Transformation Groups, or “LTGs.” These groups consist of either 2 or 3 men or 2 or 3 women, and focus on Scripture reading, accountability and prayer for lost people. There are many small groups and LTGs meeting at various times throughout each week. For help finding a group that is right for you, contact Jessica Fitts at or fill out THIS FORM to get plugged in. Small groups – doing life together.
At Moss Brook Church, we believe that communicating with God through prayer is a tremendous privilege for Christ-followers. Not only does the Bible say that God understands the things we deal with every day, but that He invites us to come to Him for help in difficult times (Hebrews 4:14-16). Is there something specific that we can pray about with you? By filling out the form below and adding your request, you will be enlisting other Christ-followers to pray with you and for you.