Children’s Ministry FAQ

What will my child be taught?

At present, our JAM, Clubhouse Jr., and Clubhouse classes are using a curriculum called Answers in Genesis.  This Bible study course provides teachers with the resources they need to equip students of all ages using rich content, scripture memorization, and biblical application tools to help each child grasp and personally live out the principles of God’s Word at their specific level.

What are some resources I can use at home to help my children understand the Bible?

We recommend checking out the Answers in Genesis page that’s designed just for kids:

Do children attend worship?

On a typical Sunday, children will meet in the children’s wing as a large group to sing and worship together. After two or three songs, they will then go to their separate classrooms where teachers will complete their lesson for the morning.

Will you give my child medication?

No. No medications will be given to any child.

Can my child meet me in the sanctuary after the service?

No. As a safety precaution, parents must sign in their children and then sign each out after every service using our computer system. This applies to all children.

Can I bring my child when they are sick?

We aim to provide all children with a safe and healthy environment. Please keep your child at home if they aren’t feeling well. No children will be allowed to attend groups if they have a fever (100° or higher), severe cold or stomach flu symptoms, or are experiencing other contagious conditions such as rashes, pink eye, or lice.

How will I be contacted if my child needs me?

In the event that we need to reach you during the service, we will text the number used to sign in your child at the beginning of the service. Reasons for contacting parents would include:

-Child starts vomiting

-Inconsolable crying for an extended period

-Child had an accident and needs dry clothes

Who do I contact with any concerns?

Please contact Andrea Hart, our Children’s Ministry Director at: (207)-890-6935, or email

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